Welcome to Prophecy Base  
The Advanced Historicist
View of Prophecy

Links proving out,
the Historicist view of prophecy.
How most of Revelation is fulfilled

Was Fulfilled AD 66-73
A New Discovery to the Timeline

 Matthew 24 - Christ's Appearance AD 66
Preterism and Futurism Contradictions  

This is the ADVANCED HISTORICIST view of prophecy, showing WW2 in Rev 16 fulfilled.
We are now at the end of Rev 16, awaiting 
Rev 17 & 18 to fulfill in WW3
the US vs Russia and China

Link List

PROVEN > 1 day = 1 year in prophecy

Revelation 2/3 - the 7 Churches - coming soon

Revelation 6 Commentary

Revelation 7 Commentary

Revelation 8 Commentary

Revelation 9 Commentary

Revelation 11 Commentary

Revelation 13 Commentary

Revelation 14 Commentary

Revelation 16 Commentary

Revelation 17 Commentary

Revelation 18 Commentary